
I’m an effec­tive, empa­thetic Direc­tor of Design help­ing the federal government, agen­cies, com­pa­nies, and orga­ni­za­tions cre­ate a bet­ter web for 20 years. I’m also a skilled com­mu­nity orga­nizer, run­ning events that sup­port a high level of inclu­sion, safety, accessibility, and belonging, which are skills I bring to every role.

I am not currently looking for new work. If I were, I would note that I have:

  • 20 years of var­ied expe­ri­ence with par­tic­u­lar focus and inter­est in government and non-profits, includ­ing higher edu­ca­tion, muse­ums, cul­tural insti­tu­tions, and foundations
  • exper­tise in build­ing and lead­ing effec­tive teams
  • exten­sive skill in dis­cov­ery research, user and stake­holder inter­views, insight syn­the­sis, strate­gic roadmaps, vision and polestar setting, con­tent strat­egy and change management

I’ve cre­ated and sup­ported Codes of Con­duct within orga­ni­za­tions such as High­Ed­Web and Chicago Nerd Social Club. I served as HighEdWeb’s Chair of Safety and Inclusion and Chicago Nerd Social Club’s President.

You can say hi at or on